Sunday, October 9, 2011

Peer Pressure

Peer pressure is all around us. It begins the moment we enter into elementary school. If you are not careful it will consume you and drive your decisions. It can become a driving force in the lives of many people. When you give into peer pressure you loose a part of your identity.

An inner conflict begins to grow inside you because it is natural for your spirit to oppose the fact that you are taking in another identity that is viewed as foreign. When you conform to the norms of a group just to fit in, your fitting in comes with a price called your identity. Don't find your self in an identity crisis because you have settled for less just to fit in. Your identity is priceless and can never be bought or sold.

I understand rejection and the pain that comes with it. I am all too familiar with it, but I would still rather face the rejection than loose my soul/identity/will trying to fit in. You have to like yourself first. Often times people join groups, clicks, organizations just to be liked. But I submit to you that if you don't like/love yourself first, it will only be a matter of time that you find yourself in a conflict with others and yourself.

Take the time to understand you. Love you. And accept you. Then find people, groups, and organizations that are willing to accept all of you. If they can't do that then don't settle. Face the rejection, brush your shoulders, and press forward. What they didn't like about you others will love...that is certain, you just have to keep looking.

Peer pressure can cause you to go against what you believe or want. You stop being you to satisfy others. Your will is becomes driven by others. And without our will, who are we. The essence of our identity can be found in our will.

People who learn to become grounded can better resist peer pressure. When you are grounded you know who you are. Knowledge, experience, and wisdom will cause you to become grounded. But in order for you to truly inherit this gift, you have to get closer to the God who gives wisdom through knowledge and experience (AKA tests in life). Don't ever miss the scheduled test God has for you, or you'll miss the lesson all together. The ground you stand on has to be rooted in God, otherwise, you will be driven by whatever direction the wind blows (peer pressure). With that said, you can't be afraid of making mistakes. It is part of the ground you have to be able to stand on and be rooted in.

Getting in with the wrong crowd can be disastrous for your life. Once you realize it, it can take years for you to recover.

Be yourself, accept yourself, and surround yourself with great people who accept everything about you. Stop caring about what people think of you and be free. When you are no longer bound by people, but Christ alone, you live in a freedom unknown to men outside of Christ. Freedom is our greatest reward from Christ. He came to set us free. He is in charge of every authority, therefore STOP giving people control!!

Be blessed and inspired by my message. I have the authority to speak these words only because I have been through the test and understand how to bring you out.

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