Sunday, October 9, 2011

A Maturity Issue

In order to be mature, you must first overcome immature. Immaturity is part of the process in learning to become mature and it should never be disregarded. It is God's desire for us to mature, but he understands that the maturity process takes time.

An immature person needs to mature in whatever he/she is immature in. If a husband is immature, then in order to mature, he needs to mature in love for his wife. If an immature wife needs to mature, then it would be in respecting and supporting her husband. A child matures through obedience.

As graduate students on the verge of success, we need to arrive in maturity before being able to attain and enjoy that success. From maturity comes discipline. The best way to mature in anything is through discipline and obedience. If you discipline yourself in not spending more than what you can afford, you mature in it. The payment for that discipline is two folded. You gain maturity and wealth. The same goes for life. In this life we have to learn how to mature.

The problem with maturity is that we become afraid of change. We dislike the growing pains associated with maturity. We don't know what change will look like. But what we should fear the most is what you will look like in a few years when no change occurs. How far behind you will be. And how dysfunctional you will look.

Change in your life doesn't mean an identity shift. It means a better you, a better life, and possible different opportunities. But how will you be ready for those opportunities if you never change. There is nothing worse than seeing someone in a position that hasn't matured yet. When you hit the ground running people can tell you're not ready for that position. How do you then gain credibility with a group of people who know you're not ready to be in their presence.

If you allow yourself to be criticized by God, He will reveal the areas of growth that is required and assist you in that growth. That growth may be painful but very necessary if you are ever going to become what He desires and live to your maximum potential.

If you don't heed to the truth and grow, whatever disposition you are in, those around you will suffer because they too (unbeknown) will suffer.

Don't be afraid to change, grow, and mature. It is part of the process and it will happen with or without your consent, so embrace it. Be encouraged and inspired!

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