Sunday, November 7, 2010

Leadership 101

Leadership can be found everywhere. For a long time I had a misconception that leadership came with position and power. But now that I am wiser, I realize that leadership can be in anyone.  I was watching a movie and the person you would think would be a leader wasn't.  It was the one that everyone was willing to follow.

At that moment I realized that anyone who can persuade anyone to follow them is a leader.  When I look at the school setting in this way I see many leaders.  From the custodian that persuades his staff to do the work, to secretaries that persuade the principal concerning systems, to teachers on the grade level that speak for the whole team and no one objects, you see an emerging leader.

As I sit back and watch crowds of people in a busy mall I see many examples of leadership. The mother who says it is time to go we have shopped enough and everyone agrees and follows her out the door, to the girls who shop together to than ask the one in the group what they think about their outfit, and that decision to purchase is left at the discretion of that one individual, to the father that explains to his son why purchasing that game system now is not a good idea because in a few days it will go on sale.  There are countless opportunities to see leadership firsthand if you sit back and watch the process happen naturally.

Which brings me to my next point.  We are all leaders at some point.  We don't necessarily have to obtain the title to be known as one. Even with the title there are several leaders who don't know how to lead. They respect the position but don't follow the leader.

I read a quote today that read, "together you can do so much more." If you are a leader who can persuade others, together you can achieve more.  In reading The Six Secrets of Change, one of the major contributors to applying change is getting people to follow you.  If you can't lead them you won't be able to change them.

One of my best friends is very successful in helping me to view things in a different perspective and change, primarily because I know he cares about me, I trust him, and most importantly...I know he is going to lead me in the right direction.

Leaders need to stand for something, believe in something, and be walking in the right direction.  When people see this integrity, passion, and desire to do what is right for the whole, they begin following. They will chase you down a rabbit hole if they think that you can take them somewhere they have never been before. They believe and in that belief they are willing to allow you to lead them.

Sometimes, un-consciously you lead people. I remember being at my old school and doing things such as seeking an advance degree, getting principal certification, and preparing myself for the doctoral level, when I looked back, I had many followers who before were not trying to get an advance degree or any other certifications.  I had somehow inspired several people in the building to pursue more and want more.  My capacity and thirst for life spilled over into their cups. What I was able to share fueled their desires and ignited ambition. I didn't see myself as a leader, I just seen a dream I was chasing, what I believed in, and what I was passionate about.


billy said...

Rosa you statements are so profound. I agree, leadership can be found in so many individuals and in so many situations. I have the following quote on the board in my office directly behind me at my desk: "If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything". Kids often ask me, "what does that mean?"...and I tell them to think about first and then answer for yourself. They always know exactly what it means. We lead by showing others the example of what we stand for in our lives. We must set the limits of what I will do and what I will not do. I strongly believe that as a yound educated woman you have only scratched the surface of the number of persons who you will inspire. Jesus was the ultimate leader by example. Look at how many lives he has inspired through the generations without ever having physically meeting any of us. I prophesy that you will be a great and effective leader in education.

The Brady Bunch 62 said...

Rosa, lead on! You know the way and you're humble enough to observe and reflect as well as, initiate and take a stand. You'll have an impact on the future in education and you already have made an impact on cohort 4. Kudos.

Professor said...

Having a dream and being passionate about it is the key. Looking for followers because you have a position is deceiving. The people who seem to be following may be doing so out of fear or opportunism, not necessarily devotion. May we, in our position power, lead with a dream and passion.