Saturday, October 16, 2010

Qualitative/Quantitative Research

When I started this course I had no idea what the difference was between a qualitative paper and a quantitative paper. The methodology drove me insane.  After much practice of looking at several articles I was able to relax, I'm still a little confused but am more comfortable than I was before.

None of the scholarly articles that I read told me up front what kind of paper and what method they were using.  It was like chasing a rabbit down a hole, you never know how deep the rabbit's hole may go.  The good news is that the more I practice the better I get and the more comfortable I become.

Creswell's Educational Research book really helped.  On page 60 he offers a figure with the different research paper types and the branching rules that will lead you to the methodology.

I am still overwhelmed with the idea of forming my dissertation but feel passionate enough with my topic to form it.


Linda Flores said...

I read the Creswell book for my Master's MEd program, and I feel like I am treading water(still). I know it is a long process/journey and I know with each others encouragement and support from the faculty at UMHB we will walk the stage together. I feel bless to be in C-4.

kwhit said...

Hello Rosa!!!

Anytime we come across something we don't know and/or don't understand, it is often difficult to obtain an understanding. The lack of understanding then creates fear within us. But as you have shown, we must learn to face our fears head-on (as Maria taught Steven in A Whole New Mind), put in the work to obtain an understanding and continue to press forward.

Jason H. Smith said...

I completely agree with Dr. Whitfield on this, uncertainty creates fear. I am dealing with this same type of fear personally, professionally and academically, but I know we can all work through these fears and uncertainties together. We got your back!!! God Bless.

Amber Lynn Diaz said...

I think we all have fear...but, we also need to have faith. We have been choosen to be here and God would not have brought us on this journey to watch us fail. I have faith in all of you - do you not see the inspirational educational leaders you all are? I feel so empowered after our classes...tired first - then ready to put my knowledge into action! ;)

Rosa, thanks for meeting with me today and I think our action plan is going to make a great difference in the foundation for our dissertaion work. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Beth Funk said...

I can certainly relate to your feelings! This can be such an overwhelming process. We have to eat the elephant one bite at a time, and encourage each other every step of the way. I also want to add Rosa, that I was very inspired by some of your thoughts this weekend. As you blossom into your new leadership role, you make some really important observations about how important it is to be committed to growth. That is such a beautiful part of your spirit. Your willingness and desire to learn and grow is a model for all of us.

Professor said...

This brought back memories of my masters' statistics course. I went to the bookstore and bought "Statistics for Dummies" to help translate the textbook for me. I still remember the people in my study group.

billy said...

Rosa, I like the Creswell book as well. It really does lay it out for you as to how to categorize your method. I struggled with the reading at first, but I just kept plugging along until I got it pretty well. Also, it didn't hurt to get extra practice when I deleted my first set of annotated bibliographies. If you get stuck, send a copy to one of us and we can maybe give you some input.

billy said...

P.S. Great profile pictures of you and your son!