Sunday, September 26, 2010


The more I think about leadership the more I realize I don't know what it is. Every time I think I know what it looks like the more wrong I am. What I have an idea of and what truly is are two completely different things.

The only truth I can identify leadership with is that of Jesus Christ. He by far, has been the only one on this planet to master it fully.

I'm so far away from this truth. Through this road to earning my doctoral degree, I hope to learn how to truly lead others with heart and soul. I don't want to tell people what to do, I want to inspire, motivate, and invest and as a result when I look up without knowing I will have gained many followers along the way.

1 comment:

Amber Lynn Diaz said...

The hardest thing for anyone to do is to look at themselves. I disagree with you Rosa. If you truly look to Jesus as you personal savior and "leader", you are leading others by being a Christian. You just don't see it! I think that at the core of who you are, is an amazing leader who leads with her heart and soul - I have seen it already and know that it is there. I do believe that we all have room for growth, but I want to share with you my feelings of accomplishment and admiration when I look at you and the leadership roles you are in. You do not realize the lives of the people you touch. Your grace alone is worthy of so much praise! Don't be so hard on yourself! I love ya girl and hope you have a wonderful week!